How much does it cost to move to Vietnam?
The answer is obvious: because of money.
In order to earn $500, for example in Ukraine, you will need to work hard for a whole month. Here this money can be earned in 7-10 days, and working as a teacher cannot be called hard. A foreign English teacher is one of the best paid jobs in Vietnam. Yes, you will spend a lot of money at the beginning, but all these costs come back to you after two or three salaries.

Let's imagine a little. With a salary of $1,500, you spend $300 on food, $100 on clothes, and $100 on entertainment every month. Since most employers pay for housing, saving $1,000 a month is quite realistic. For a year this amounts to $12,000. Even if you save $6,000 and send the rest to your family or spend it traveling, I think that's not bad either. It's up to you to go or not to go, I'm always happy to provide the best service for you.

Total: to move to Vietnam you will need at least $1,500.
I absolutely agree that relocation to Vietnam is an expensive proposition. I have talked about this more than once on my Instagram. But why then do teachers and others want to get here? Why does this become more difficult every year, and the number of people interested is only growing?
6️⃣ Bottom line
After all of the above, I can’t help but mention the reserve. Your reserve money is your insurance, and the more you have, the better for you. But let's look at generally accepted standards.

The minimum amount that you should have in reserve is the cost of return tickets. At a minimum, you should have enough money for a return ticket, not because you will fly back. In 99% of cases, all teachers work calmly and adapt very easily. This money is needed simply to have choice and opportunity, it’s like the “golden rule”.
5️⃣ Reserve
For those who are already at a low start, I highly recommend practicing answering interview questions. This will increase your chances of getting a job.
For those who want to delve into the topic of preparation in more detail, I recommend a free guide to employment.
It will only cost you the time it takes to read it, but it can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. If you follow these recommendations consistently, I guarantee you will find a job.
The situation is similar here as with housing. In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, employers do not provide transportation, so you will have to rent a motorcycle and later buy your own. A motorcycle in Vietnam is a “must-have”, because in huge traffic jams it is not possible to get anywhere by public transport. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to work in one of the major cities of Vietnam, then I’ll tell you about the prices for motorcycles :)
4️⃣ Transport
Total: $40-$60/month
- The second option is for experienced people. I recommend him to you. This could be any motorcycle or scooter where you can put your feet on a stand. When it rains, your shoes will be dry and clean, and it rains often in Vietnam. Estimated cost: $40-$60 per month.
Starter pack – Honda Wave 110cc. The cheapest option. The cost is about $30-$40/month.
This is one of my favorite topics:) Food prices here are quite low, and the variety is incredibly huge. For those who still believe the myth that there is very little dairy here, let me tell you right away that it is not true. There is absolutely everything here, just not on the first shelf, as we are used to. Cheese is not sold on every corner, but is available in special stores, mostly imported. In all other respects everything is the same as ours, only a little better.

Cafe prices:
A business visa for 3 months (the very first visa you receive) will cost $125-150. At the end of this short-term visa, you will be issued a work permit and a work visa.

Total: approx 550$
Product prices:
- Chicken 1kg - $3
- Pork 1kg - $5
- Beef 1kg - $10-$15
- Milk 1l - $2
- Eggs 10pcs - $1.5
- Fish 1kg - $4
- Fruits 1kg $1-$6
Food expenses in Vietnam vary from person to person. It depends on whether you cook yourself or go to a cafe or restaurant, eat a lot of meat or are you a vegan, whether you are a guy or a girl. As a rule, guys eat more, but their average bill is lower than that of girls. I think you know why :)

Total: $170-$300/month
The first, and probably the biggest cost of all, is the flight. Most of my teachers fly from European countries, but on average the price of air tickets varies from $400 to $700. I will attach a photo as proof.
2️⃣ Food
1️⃣ Flight and visa
1️⃣ Flight and visa
2️⃣ Food
3️⃣ Hotel and Apartment
4️⃣ Transport
5️⃣ Reserve
6️⃣ Result
When I consult with English teachers, almost everyone asks the question, “How much will it cost to move?” The question is really important, so I decided to sort everything out and close it once and for all. Let's get started.
Com Suong 1.5-3$
Com Binh Dan 1.5-3$
If you get a job in Hanoi or any other big city, you will need to rent better accommodation. The best way to do this is to use, as strange as it may sound, rental groups on Facebook. To do this, write in the search "cho thuê căn hộ ở...", which translates as "apartment for rent in...", and then the name of the area in which you plan to rent. For example "cho thuê căn hộ ở Cầu Giấy".
Total: 200-300$/month
Let me tell you right away, most employers provide housing. Housing is not paid only in big cities such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. In this case, you will stay in a hotel until you find permanent housing. The company "Work in Vietnam" helps in finding housing.
3️⃣ Hotel and Apartment
Useful materials:
This option is more expensive, $40/day, for comparison.
The choice of hotels is huge, and the prices, to be honest, are much better than in Europe. Here is one of the options for $16/day in Hanoi.
Video course on employment
You will learn how to properly prepare and get a job yourself.
Choose a job based on your goals and capabilities, and apply in a couple of clicks.
About the employment process. What do you need to start teaching? How to get a job if you have no experience?
Working as a teacher
Typically the price depends on the property and the area in which it is located. For $200-300 you can rent good housing in any area of Hanoi. Don't forget that in the first month you will also need to pay a deposit equal to 1 month's rent. At the end of the rental, your deposit will be returned to you.
What is "Guide"?
Recommended for those who are already looking for work. "Guide" is practical knowledge from A to Z on how to get a job as a teacher.
Official site EF SET
Here you can receive a certificate that is accredited and suitable for official employment.